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Results for "keyword: "power""
War Talk Arundhati Roy on the battle that is being waged against the poor by the powerful.
Awakening Shakti An encyclopedic paperback revealing how yogic goddesses can empower and transform women's lives.
Finding Beauty in a Broken World Terry Tempest Williams on compassion for animals.
(title not found) A CD with chants to stir the soul. This song by Karen Drucker is about seeing beauty in someone.
Meeting the Shadow of Spirituality A hard look at the abuse that can occur when disciples project their highest hopes on leaders, teachers, or gurus.
Of Love and Other Demons A novel where the author's magical ralism lends this religious drama dignity.
My Traitor's Heart Explores the vast forces of evil afoot in contemporary South Africa.
The Hour of the Tiger Megan McKenna's Arab teaching story on how justice and understanding make one invincible.
Meditation and Its Practices Swami Adiswarananda's examination of the Hindu devotional practice of japa.
The Crusades of Cesar Chavez Miriam Pawel on Cesar Chavez's life as a crusade against injustice.